My father, William Irving (1921-2005) My father (unknown location, 1940's) Family Coat of Arms, Crest and Motto Portrait of my paternal grandmother, Anne Ostrom Irving (b. September 2, 1899) |
Earl, Ann, grandmother and Jack, grandfather
(back of photo below)
Written by my grandmother in January (year unknown).
A lot of old photos were printed with postcard backings.
My father, 1945
Excerpt from Biography:
1943 to 1944 - "Attended US Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, NY, Graduated April 21, 1944 and received Third Mate License and USNR Commission as Ensign."
1945 - "Shipped out as Third Mate on Liberty Ship. In fall of 1944 signed on as Third Mate on S/S Chantilly (T-2 Tanker) operating between U.S. and U.K. in North Atlantic. January 1945 joined S/S Bushy Run (T-2) as Third Mate. This ship was employed between Persian Gulf and Mediterranean. Received Second Mate License and was signed on as Second Officer S/S Creighton Victory. Made one voyage from West Coast to Philippines and return, then a second voyage to China and thence to East Coast U.S. via Singapore and Suez Canal."
May 1946 - "Received Chief Mate License (renewed 3rd Issue April 1962). decided to leave the sea and study art at the National Academy of Design, New York City. Realizing that art is a difficult field in which to make a living in 1947 I signed on as Navigator of the Yacht, Southern Sea (120' twin diesel), and took her from Miami to Seattle. I was employed by the U.S. Army Transport Service there in June and sent as Chief Mate to the Columbia River Decommissioning Unit in Cathlamet, Washington."
A note: My grandfather, Captain John H. Irving, told one of his other sons to go to New York City and 'convince' my father, who was happily living the bohemian artist's life, that he must abandon a career in art for one in the military.
Grandmother Anne Ostrom Irving with her three sons
From left: William Clark Irving "Buddy" ( my father), Clark Ostrom Irving "Lambie", and John Hamilton Irving, Jr. "Sonny"
My father, "Buddy" as a young boy on horseback
My father on an old race horse at Del Monte California Stables, 1931 |
Grandfather training a horse while in the US Cavalry. |
My paternal grandmother, Anne Ostrom Irving |
Having fun with Dad on Dyes Inlet during family reunion at grandparent's estate. (August 1961) |
Family Reunion at our grandparent's place on Dyes Inlet in Bremerton, Washington (August 1961) |